What is grown and mined in Senegal

Senegal has a tropical climate with a rainy season from June to October and a dry season from November to May. Agriculture is an important sector of the economy, employing about 60% of the population.

Major crops include:

- Peanuts: Senegal is one of the largest producers of peanuts in the world. Peanuts are grown mainly in the north and center of the country, where the soil is suitable for their growth. Peanuts are used not only as food but also as a raw material for the production of oil, flour, soap, and biofuels.

- Rice: Rice is a staple food for most Senegalese. Rice is grown on a variety of soil types, from coastal wetlands to dry areas in the south. However, Senegal is not self-sufficient in rice production and has to import large quantities from Asia.

- Couscous: Couscous is another popular food in Senegal that is made from millet. Millet is a cereal that tolerates dry climates well and has a high nutritional value.

- Fruits and vegetables: Senegal has a wide variety of fruits and vegetables that grow in different parts of the country according to the season. Among the most popular are mango, papaya, banana, watermelon, coconut, pineapple, citrus, tomato, pepper, eggplant, okra and squash. Fruits and vegetables are used for direct consumption, but also for the production of fresh juices, syrups, and jams.

Senegal also has abundant mineral resources. The main raw materials mined in Senegal include:

- Phosphates: Senegal is one of the largest producers of phosphates in the world. Phosphates are minerals that are used as fertilizers for agriculture, but also as an ingredient in the production of glass, ceramics, and medicine. Phosphates are mainly mined in the northwest of the country, where there is a large deposit called Taïba.

- Iron ore: Senegal also has large reserves of iron ore, which is a key raw material for steel production. Iron ore is mined in the southeast of the country, where the Falémé deposit is located, which is considered one of the largest in Africa.

- Gold: Senegal is also a major producer of gold, which is mined mainly in the south of the country, around the Gambia and Falémé rivers.

- Zircon: Senegal also has deposits of zircon, which is a rare mineral that is used as a gemstone or as an ingredient in the production of ceramics, aircraft components, and nuclear reactors. Zircon is mined on the Atlantic coast, where sand dunes rich in this mineral are found.

Due to its natural and human wealth, climate, and strategic location on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean, Senegal is a country with enormous potential. We wish Senegal that the country will be led by people who will be able and willing to use this potential and develop and improve the lives of ordinary people.